Her only biological sibling and current alive family member she knows is a Kumiho named (Toranohana) Zurugashikoi with only a few traits a Torakoishi has are manipulating stones, able to be flexible and strong. Kumiho can already shapeshift so that is something natural she already has, although this does imply Miyori could have kumiho traits too. They don't really get along well, Miyori tries to, though.

(Hartmann) Shikani is Miyori's girlfriend. Sometimes she goes there to visit her in Misty Lake, when Shikani used to reside in heaven she would try to transform her giant rock into wings then fly above to heaven although it would hurt during the transformation and detransformation. From above she would also frequently send letters directly to her when she wasn't a fallen angel. She is also one of her figures for art, a huge one actually.

(Shameimaru) Aya is who she works with and loves to tease the most by startling her while working, that's just a trait of hers that she is born with so she can not get rid of it although she tries to act serious around her.