"Know thy tragedy for who has affected it."

Name: Shizuka Chuken
Age: TBA
Gender: Female
Ability: Manipulate canines that are nearby
Youkai or Human: Hainu Youkai
Orientation: Sapphic
Occupation: Gatekeeper at Tori castle
Friends: Akaike Kurenai, Reo Peller
Crush: Sabaku Tenshi
Likes: Kyudo
Dislikes: Her job being placed in the morning

Personality ~ Shizuka is a very quiet youkai. She always takes everything gently in a careful way,
being responsible and respectful for whatever she holds. When she is around with people she takes everything
seriously except when it's an obvious joke she doesn't mind.

Description ~ Since she is a Hainu her dog breed is a Husky, has heterochromia
( left eye is light blue and right eye is brown ). Shizuka indeed does have danmaku, but sometimes when she does some archery alone.
That said archery is japanese archery known as kyudo, the weapon is a lacquered bamboo yumi since she has been training for 30 years.
She most likely goes outside to do kyudo training since it is her special hobby shes ever had.

Facts about this character

1. Her full name does have a meaning. Shizuka, 静か meaning "Quiet" as Chuken, 忠犬 means "Loyal Dog" refering to Loyal Dog Hachiko. This is a detail I wanted to add since Shizuka, would too, wait for anyone even if they were dead until her end comes based off her past.
2. The only person Shizuka doesn't take seiously is Akaike because she always thinks shes kidding around due to her annoying and immature behavior.
3. Shes blind in her left eye due to a scar that was deep it quite traumatized her eye.