Recorded in December 6, 1966 to April 21, 1967, released in May 26, 1967, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band is the eigth studio album before Magical Mystery Tour and after Revolver. This album has 3 genres such as rock, pop and phychedelic containing songs inspired by drugs. The backstory for this album is explanatory why the songs were based off of it. In London Paul McCartney took LSD, simpily known as acid, for the first time. In Novemeber when he had returned from Kenya he had the idea of the album and the album having the theme of a fictional band. Indian music were also inspired for some songs in this album by Lennon and Harrison.

Despite the recordings starting on December 6 of 1966, there was a session about this album starting in Novemeber 24, 1966 planning on songs, songs that were linked to the members' childhoods such as "When I'm 64" and "Penny Lane" despite Penny Lane not being apart of the album it was still released as a double A-side along with "Strawberry Fields Forever".

The drug references in the songs were as obvious as it is. Like Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, the nouns can be abbreviated to LSD though Lennon denied that and saying it was based off a drawing his son Julian has made with the same title as the song. More drug references can be found in the following songs: A Day in The Life, Being For The Benefit of Mr. Kite!, Lovely Rita, and Fixing a Hole.